Disinfecting Drinking Water with Sunlight :)

Lyn Rose beautiful-vegan.com our connection to water

Hey guys! Hope you are all well and happy :)
I pulled the following from Wikipedia, and have read it in many survival books as well:
"UV radiation can be an effective viricide and bactericide. Disinfection using UV radiation is commonly used in wastewater treatment applications and is finding an increased usage in drinking water treatment. Many bottlers of spring water use UV disinfection equipment to sterilize their water. Solar water disinfection is the process of using PET bottles and sunlight to disinfect water.

James Toth Photography JamesToth.com Swans on Water
James took this beautiful shot of Swans on Water- JamesToth.com

New York City has approved the construction of a 2 billion gallon per day ultraviolet drinking water disinfection facility.[27] There are also several facilities
beautiful-vegan.com distilled flower water perfumes :)
under construction and several in operation that treat waste water with several stages of filters, hydrogen peroxide and UV light to bring the water up to drinking standards. One such facility exists in Orange County, California.[28][29] NASA has examined the use of this technology, using titanium dioxide as catalyst, for breaking down harmful products in spacecraft waste water.[30]

It used to be thought that UV disinfection was more effective for bacteria and viruses, which have more exposed genetic material, than for larger pathogens which have outer coatings or that form cyst states (e.g., Giardia) that shield their DNA from the UV light. However, it was recently discovered that ultraviolet radiation can be somewhat effective for treating the microorganism Cryptosporidium. The findings resulted in the use of UV radiation as a viable method to treat drinking water.

Charge your water with sunlight and quartz crystals and words ;)

Giardia in turn has been shown to be very susceptible to UV-C when the tests were based on infectivity rather than excystation.[31] It has been found that protists are able to survive high UV-C doses but are sterilized at low doses.
Solar water disinfection[32] (SODIS) has been extensively researched in Switzerland and has proven ideal to treat small quantities of water cheaply using natural sunlight. Contaminated water is poured into transparent plastic bottles and exposed to full sunlight for six hours. The sunlight treats the contaminated water through two synergetic mechanisms: UV-A irradiation and increased water temperature. If the water temperatures rises above 50 °C, the disinfection process is three times faster."

Lyn Rose
You don't have to do it this way.. It was just a fun photo shoot ;)

This is good if you are stuck in a situation where there is no clean water available, but the water must not be muddy for it to work properly. The light has to get through the water.

Of course it doesn't get rid of the fluoride if you live in a place that mandates fluoridation of your drinking water. And chlorinated water should evaporate if left in open-top glass jugs in the sun for a 24 hour period (which is what I do). There are filtration systems that eliminate chlorine and fluoride though and there are many that are easy to install yourself that don't seem to be that expensive. So do what you can to drink pure water. We are made mostly of it, right? Have a beautiful day!

ps.. Here is a very interesting documentary about harnessing the powers of water as an alternative energy source! Very good :)

I had to put this up.

This morning I was accidentally listening to the Fear Network... oops, I mean the News, when I heard something that has been rammed down my throat countless times over the past five years or so: "30,000 to 90,000 people are expected to die of (this time) the Swine Flu within the next two years in Canada alone".

I am not kidding you. I would really like to know what the hell they are basing that on. On the 4 people who died in Canada of the H1N1 as of August? Am I starting to sound like a conspiracy nut? Am I the only one who shuts their mouth when the spoon is being shoved towards them? The word PANDEMIC has been glorified and revered by the media as the greatest tool to sell their brand of fear. Why? Because fear actually does sell. Do me a favour and don't run out and get your free flu shot.

Fluoride Fluoride Fluoride- Holy Crap.

Here is Part 2: Part 3:
Here's another very interesting interview on the same subject that goes into a little more depth. We have been avoiding fluoride for yeas now by buying toothpaste that doesn't have it as an ingredient (Beaver Brand Toothpaste also does not contain Sodium Laurel Sulphate, which is in tons of products like shampoo, toothpaste soap etc. and you should look into that as well because it has been linked, through studies with baldness in men, canker sores and a bunch of other problems). I think Thom's of Maine has it in their brand of toothpaste, even though it doesn't contain fluoride.

Here in Toronto, of course, fluoride is running through our water systems and we are forced to drink it. In some places it has been banned successfully as a toxin. We don't want to be drinking bottled water either, however, so maybe the best thing to do is get our liquids mainly from fresh fruit, that act as a most natural filter for things we are trying to avoid. ?? Who knows.

Vegans and B12, Here's the Scoop:

Ok, let's talk a little about the mysterious B12 vitamin. The following quotes are taken from the famous and wonderful book (the bible I call it) "Becoming Vegan: The Complete guide to Adopting a Healthy Plant-Based Diet" by Brenda Davis, R.D. & Vesanto Melina, M.S., R.D.:

"The amount of B12 to prevent deficiency is tiny:
*2.4 micrograms (mcg) per day;
*2.6 mcg in pregnancy
*2.8 mcg during lactation.

"A review of the scientific literature shows that a small, but significant, percentage of vegans, young and old, develop vitamin B12 deficiencies. If intake is inadequate, damage can be dramatic, sudden, and in a few unfortunate cases, irreversible."

"Vitamin B12 originates not from animal foods but from bacteria. The way that vegans ensure their supply of this essential nutrient is to make sure that two or three times each week they take a reliable source of B12 that has originated from bacteria - and that's what supplements and fortified foods provide."

"2 cups of B12-fortified soy milk per day provide the approximately 3mcg we require daily. If tablets are taken, it is recommended that they be taken two or three times a week. Just a small amount can be absorbed at a time, so most of a large dose will not be retained."

"An odd thing about B12 is that if we weren't such clean-living critters, we'd have more B12 sources because many more bacteria would contribute to our supply. Cobalamin is created by one-celled organisms; bacteria and fungi. These microscopic organisms are all over the place - in earth, wind, rainwater, and oceans."

"Over 95% of the cases of B12 deficiency do not occur in vegans and are not due to inadequate B12 intake. These are associated with impaired absorption of this vitamin for two reasons. First, 10-30% of people over the age of 50 lose their ability to absorb the protein-bound form of B12 that is present in animal foods, due to reduced stomach secretions (gastric acid and an enzyme called pepsin). These people do fine with the form of B12 used by vegans: fortified foods and supplements. Second, a condition known as pernicious anemia occurs in 2% of the aging population."

"Symptoms such as depression, irritability, mood swings, restlessness, disorientation, memory loss, difficulty concentrating, dementia, chronic fatigue, apathy, and insomnia might actually be symptoms of B12 deficiency."

"Our bodies recycle and reuse vitamin B12 very efficiently, some more efficient than others. A little of the B12 in our bodies is secreted through bile into the intestine and then 65-75% of it is reabsorbed. The most efficient recyclers, those who absorb B12 very well, can go for three, or even as long as twenty years, without obvious dietary sources. On the other hand, some individuals run out of B12 fast when their intakes drop."

"With children who haven't built up protective stores of B12, and during pregnancy and lactation, there's no point in taking chances with this at all."
If you are considering becoming vegan or simply want amazing nutritional facts you should definitely go out and buy this book. We refer to it all the time even though we've been vegan for a long time.

Ps. James took this photo of an elephant (who obviously gets his B12 from the microscopic organisms in nature, as they are not clean freaks like us).

Why Vegan?

"A human being is a part of the whole called the "universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of...consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in all its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself part of the liberation and foundation for inner security."
Albert Einstein

There is a line in a song by the Kaiser Chiefs that goes "Due to lack of interest, tomorrow is canceled." Unless everyone takes an interest in the world and does their part there will be no future for humans. I know we hear this all the time so it doesn't have an effect on us at this point. It just goes in one ear and out the other, especially so for those of us who live in the western world. We tend to think that things aren't so bad. Everything seems pretty fine on the surface because we have everything we need right?- clean water in abundance, food, jobs, warm places to sleep etc... Not true. While we live under the delusion that nothing will happen to us and that life will carry on as usual, massive portions of the world's population are living in a hell zone. We don't care because it hasn't hit us... yet.

My friend Dr. Ian Boulton (BSc.MA.PhD) puts it best; "Ironically, while much of the world struggles to feed itself, we suffer, increasingly from the diseases of plenty; in particular, obesity, diabetes and cardio-vascular illness." He goes on to say that "Personal food choices represent the difference between self-nurturing and self-harm, depending on which direction you choose." Ian stronly supports plant-based diets saying that " Adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet, rich in fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, has been incontrovertibly associated with weight loss, better general health, and reduced rates of cancer, stroke and heart disease."

The vegan lifestyle is the most consciencious in terms of love for the planet and the people and animals who live here with us. Our children are too valuable to let them go without proper education on how to be the healthiest and most conscious world-community members. Let's show our kids that small changes make a huge difference. Go vegan! It's the most unselfish thing we can do.

Here are some reasons to consider the vegan lifestyle:

Food Choices and the Planet

Taken from Glen E. Friedman's Interesting Vegan Facts: http://www.southern.net/BURNINGFLAGS/VEGANVEGAN.html:

1) It takes 2,500 gallons of water, 12 pounds of grain, 35 pounds of topsoil and the energy equivalent of one gallon of gasoline to produce one pound of feedlot beef.

2) 70% of US grain production is fed to livestock.

3) 5 million acres of rainforest are felled every year in South and Central America alone to create cattle pasture.

4) Roughly 20% of all currently threatened and endangered species in the US are harmed by livestock grazing.

5) Animal agriculture is a chief contributor to water pollution.

6) America's farm animals produce 10 times the waste produced by the human population.

7) One half of the Earth's land mass is grazed by livestock.

8) Overgrazing is by far the most pervasive cause of desertification.

9) 35 pounds of topsoil are lost in the production of one pound of grain-frd beef.

10) 64% of US cropland produces livestock feed.

11) Only 2% of US cropland produces fruits and vegetables.

12) Pounds of edible product that can be produced on an acre of prime land:

13) The number of gallons of water needed to produce one pound pf edible product:

14) 5 million acres of rainforest are felled every year in South and Central America to create cattle pasture.

15) Cattle ranching has destroyed more Central American rainforest than any other activity.

16) Factory farms are the biggest contributors to polluted rivers and streams in the U.S.

17) More soot is emitted from the grills in Los Angeles fast food restaurants than all the city buses.

18) Nearly half of all the fish sampled by Consumers Union was contaminated with bacteria from human or animal feces.
Self transformation is world transformation:
Sometimes I feel like I'm not doing enough in my life to help situations on the planet. I wish there were more hours in the day because when I go to bed I often feel like I should have done more. I can be really hard on myself and it doesn't do me any good. I remember something my meditation teacher said: "We are here for world transformation. Self transformation is world transformation." It's true. No one has ever made positive change in the world by forcing it on others. It has always evolved from people being inspired by the actions of one or a few good souls. By simply being kind to a stranger on the street or choosing to not eat meat I am creating change.

You never know what a smile can do for someone. Several years ago my parents received a letter with my name on it from someone I went to highschool with. As I read it I barely recalled the person I had befriended. He wrote that he had a very difficult time in school because he was gay and was beaten up and harassed all of the time. He often contemplated suicide. The letter was to thank me for being nice to him and to let me know that he remembered it. I cried when I realized who it was because I didn't do anything out of the ordinary for him. I simply talked to him on lunch breaks and after school sometimes. The letter ended with him telling me that his life was much better now and how happy he was to be alive.

For every action we make there is a reaction. So our job here is to have an open heart and do what we honestly feel is right. People will be inspired by this even if it isn't immediate. The seeds will have been planted and at the right time somthing you did will inspire them make changes in their life, which in the end, makes changes in the world! Please go vegan for everyone's sake.

Here is a really great link to an article called "10 Signs Vegetarianism is Catching On"

Lyn at the BFF (Bicycle Film Festival in Toronto)

This is just around the corner to where we live and I love the massive bike valet in front of the theatre each year. And since I'm not able to participate in the bike riding these days I thought I would have my photo taken in front. I miss my bike desperately, but have not returned to the scene of the crime since the accident because I just can't. My bike was locked to a post right next to where it happened, by the guy who caused it. I'm just not ready to go collect it yet.

40 Day Cleanse Fast Results:

Well this is inspiring! She looks very healthy, fit, energetic and her skin is glowing. She lost 32 Lbs- that's amazing. Try the Master Cleanse yourself, but make sure you read up on it before you dive in; and it helps if you do it with someone else to keep you motivated.

Vegan Myth-Busters!

"Vegans are tree-hugging nuts"
There are many reasons people choose the vegan lifestyle, whether it's for health, the environment or to stop participating in the mass-suffering and torture of animals. We became vegan for all three and feel quite proud of saying so. I have read books where the authors have put disclaimers in their prefaces, saying that they did not become vegan to save any animals or trees, (hoping to encourage a broader readership). I think it's a shame when people cower to mass opinion to avoid the judgement associated with caring about such things; however a shift has been taking place in this way of thinking, making it easier for people to speak up. And if that's the worst people can say about me then bring it on!
ps. Sometimes I hug trees, and I'm definitely nuts.

"If I go vegan I won't be able to make my favorite dishes"
We have learned a little secret; you can make a vegan version of just about anything you used to eat! We convert recipes all the time and it's a fun thing to do. As time goes by you will learn that it is as simple as your old way of thinking and it can be a great taste adventure.

"It's more expensive to be vegan and eat healthy"
It really can be quite simple and work out to be about the same cost as eating meat and dairy if you make things yourself instead of relying on ready-made products in packages (which tend to be expensive). I think we need to put things in perspective here though. We are what we eat and do in this world. If we love ourselves enough we only want the best food to enter our bodies, and this, in return draws lovely things our way such as health, joy and positive outcomes to situations. We have found that we actually save quite a bit of money because one of the amazing side effects of going vegan (daunting to some people) is that we almost entirely stop wanting to drink alcohol. I'm not sure why but it always seems to happen to people who choose this lifestyle (my friends anyway). I was raised drinking wine with meals and enjoyed it very much, but now I'd much rather have an awesome smoothie or a glass of almond milk. Alcohol doesn't seem to make me feel very well when I drink now- so I generally don't = more money to spend on better food!

"Vegans are too political and self-rightious"
What we buy and eat is very political whether we are vegan or not.
"In January 2006, the Environmental Protection Agency signed agreements that will let thousands of factory-style farms escape severe penalties for fouling the air and water with animal excrement in exchange for data to help curb future pollution. Over 2,600 animal feeding operations in the egg, chicken, turkey, dairy and hog industries will be exempt from having to pay potential fines up to $27,500 a day for violations either in the past or over the next four years." EPA cuts deal with farms over animal waste Jan. 31, 2006. msnbc.msn.com
Choosing to buy products made by green companies instead of ones that do not invest in the planet says, "I will not participate in the problem." And if you think no one is noticing think again. Cutting down on our meat intake creates change and we should be proud and outspoken. But remember that our kind, compassionate energy is more contageous than a preachy attack.

"It's harder to make vegan food"
It is a little difficult to make any new kind of food in the beginning whether it's Indian, Thai or vegan. But once you do it for a little while it becomes second nature and you don't think about it at all.

"Children and pregnant women cannot be vegan"
If a pregnant woman or child is eating a healthy, balanced diet he or she will thrive. I recommend not starting this lifestyle at the beginning of a pregnancy because it takes a while to become fully educated about what your body needs. If you have been vegan for a while and know how to do it properly go for it! Just make sure you take B12 supplements once in a while (from a bacterial source). Joshua has been vegetarian since birth and we turned on to the vegan lifestyle about eight years ago when he was about eight years old. He is over six feet tall now and is extremely healthy and smart.

"Vegans don't get the Omega 3 fatty acids that are only found in things like fish"
Busted! Omega 3 fatty acids are found in abundance in things like golden flax seeds (absorbed by the body more easily when ground up or in flax seed oil), dark green vegetables including seaweeds; and in goji berries, which most vegans eat on a regular basis. We add flax oil to our smoothies every morning. You just need a spoonful to get your daily requirement.

"Vegans have a significantly lowered risk of heart attacks, diabetes, stroke, cancer, obesity and many other diseases"
True! More and more studies are showing the benefits of a vegetable-based diet and most doctors now recommend eating more vegetables and fruits as opposed to more meat and dairy to manage disease, weight and health in general. Read such excellent books as: 1. Becoming Vegan by Brenda Davis, R.D. & Vesanto Melina, M.S., R.D. Publishers: Book Publishing Company.
2. Plant Based Nutrition and Health by Stephen Walsh PhD. Publishers: The Vegan Society, UK.
3. You Don't Need Meat by Peter Cox. Publishers: Thomas Dunne Books, St. Martin's Griffin, New York.
4. RAWvolution by Matt Amsden. Publishers: Reagan, An imprint of Harper Collins Publishers.
5. Ani's Raw Food Kitchen by Ani Phyo. Publishers: Marlowe & Company, New York.

"Vegans are weak and sickly"
Actually I have never met a vegan that had low energy. They almost always have a healthy glow and are some of the most active and intelligent people on the planet. If you look up famous vegans/vegetarians you will find that many of them are Olympic athletes and marathon runners. Some of the huge list of vegans/vegetarians include such notable figures as Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Socrates, Mahatma Gandhi, Carl Lewis, Dr. Benjamin Spock, Voltaire, William Blake, Plutarch, Benjamin Franklin, Pythagoras, H.G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Leonardo Da Vinci, Mark Twain, Henry Ford, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Vincent Van Gogh, Nikola Tesla and Buddha. You would be hard-pressed to find a really fat vegan unless they are what is termed a 'junk food vegan', and what's the point in that?

"B12 is a problem for Vegans"
The following was written / researched so well that that I have nothing more to say:

The Vitamin B12 Issue
by Dr Gina Shaw, D.S., M.A., AIYS (Dip. Irid.)
The subject of Vitamin B12 is not new to most vegans, vegetarians or raw fooders. The supplement companies have many people running to their local health (drug) stores in an effort to make themselves deficiency-free, but is this a good idea? A number of issues will be raised in this article and I will attempt to piece together some information from many different and reliable (non-financially-oriented) sources.

A vitamin B12 deficiency is a serious disorder, but it is never just a B12 deficiency because vitamin and mineral deficiencies never happen in isolation. Indications of a deficiency of vitamin B12, when they do reach a stage where they have shown up, can be quite severe. Fatigue, paleness, anorexia, mental confusion, delusions, paranoia, weight loss, etc. are just some indications that a person may have a B12-deficiency. In my opinion, ME is a B12-deficiency disorder. If you do think you may have a B12-deficiency, it would be wise for you to seek the advice of a health practitioner (such as myself) who is knowledgeable about B12-deficiencies, for immediate advice. This disorder can eventually lead to death if left unchecked.

UK official recommendations have decreased in recent years, the body's needs having been previously over-estimated. Indeed, the Department of Health recognises that some people have lower than average requirements of B12. A whole lifetime's requirement of B12 add up to a 40 milligram speck of red crystals, about one-seventh the size of an average tablet of aspirin! Taking large doses of the vitamin by mouth is pointless because 3ug is the most that can be absorbed at any one time.
Vitamin B12 is excreted in the bile and is effectively reabsorbed. This is known as enterohepatic circulation. The amount of B12 excreted in the bile can vary from 1 to 10ug (micrograms) a day. People on diets low in B12, including vegans and some vegetarians, may be obtaining more B12 from reabsorption than from dietary sources. Reabsorption is the reason it can take over 20 years for a deficiency disease to develop. In comparison, if B12 deficiency is due to a failure in absorption, it can take only three years for a deficiency disease to occur. Since vitamin B12 is recycled in a healthy body, in principle, internal B12 synthesis could fulfil our needs without any B12 provided in the diet, but if cobalt in our diet is lacking, the problem is not so much a lack of B12 synthesising intestinal flora, as a lack of cobalt (which again will need other factors for efficient absorption).

Among the many controversies surrounding vitamin B12, there is the argument that, although intrinsic factor is produced in our stomachs and that our intestines are known to produce vitamin B12, the bacteria is produced too low down in the intestines and cannot be absorbed by our bodies. This argument is sadly still hanging around, however, according to Dr Vetrano, it was disproved by research over 20 years ago and is nothing more than an obsolete scientific theory. Indeed, in a 1999 version of 'Human Anatomy and Physiology' by Marieb, it states quite clearly that we do indeed absorb vitamin B12 through our intestines.

Many people say that the only foods which contain vitamin B12 are animal-derived foods. This also is untrue. No foods naturally contain vitamin B12 - neither animal or plant foods. Vitamin B12 is a microbe - a bacteria - it is produced by microorganisms. Vitamin B12 is the only vitamin that contains a trace element - cobalt - which gives this vitamin its chemical name - cobalamin - which is at the centre of its molecular structure. Humans and all vertebrates require cobalt, although it is assimilated only in the form of vitamin B12.

B12 synthesis is known to occur naturally in the human small intestine (in the ileum), which is the primary site of B12 absorption. As long as gut bacteria have cobalt and certain other nutrients, they produce vitamin B12. According to Dr Michael Klaper, vitamin B12 is present in the mouth and intestines. B12 must be combined with a mucoprotein enzyme named Intrinsic Factor, which is normally present in gastric secretions, to be properly assimilated. If the intrinsic factor is impaired or absent, B12 synthesis will not take place, no matter how much is present in the diet. B12 deficiency may be brought upon by antibiotics (also contained in milk), alcohol, smoking and stress (alcohol damages the liver, so drinkers need more B12, smoking (and all high temp cooked food is smoky) also raises B12 needs).

Many nutritional analyses of foodstuffs were carried out such a long time ago, and, as such, have not taken account of more up-to-date technology in scientific procedures. For instance, Tesco's raspberries now state quite clearly that 100g of raspberries contain 30% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin B12. This cannot be an isolated example of a plant food which contains B12! More likely, it is just one plant food of many which contain this vitamin. Indeed, according to Dr Vetrano, current books on nutrition in the U.S. have now stated that there is B12 in any food that contains quantities of the B vitamin complex, but previously they were just not able to assay the amounts. Nowadays, more modern technology has allowed them to discover that there is B12 in those foods rich in the B complex.

The author does not believe that a vitamin B12 deficiency is more widespread in vegans or vegetarians - this is probably just another marketing lie! In fact, many so-called studies 'showing vegans deficient' have to be carefully studies themselves - many of them do not prove vegans to be deficient at all! In fact, contrary to meat and dairy industry propaganda, meat-eaters are known to be more likely to have a vitamin B12 deficiency - this has been known since 1959!!(1)
Having said this, we must bear in mind that many vegetarians and vegans still take antibiotics or consume antibiotic-containing foods such as onions, garlic, strong radishes and other foods rich in mustard oil, which are lethal to intestinal flora. The trouble is that once we have damaged our intestinal flora, it is difficult to correct without proper and knowledgeable healthcare and dietary advice. It is of far greater importance to correct intestinal flora problems than to rely on so-called supplements. People who have a physical problem because they think they are not getting enough vitamin B12, are in fact often not assimilating their foods properly because of poor digestion. When digestion is straightened out, B12 can be utilized and produced once again
According to Marieb's 'Human Anatomy and Physiology', vitamin B12 can be destroyed by highly alkaline and highly acid conditions. This assumes that the B12 in meat would be easily destroyed because the hydrochloric acid in our stomaches during the digestion of meat is highly acidic. This may explain why meat-eaters are just as likely to have a B12 deficiency as vegans - even though their diet contains vitamin B12. Also, for meat-eaters, there is antiobiotics contained in meat! Of course, many meat-eaters destroy their friendly bacteria in their intestines by constant putrefaction and the putrefactive bacteria naturally present in meat will give the body a hard time.

Another side to the equation is that low serum B12 levels do not equate to a B12 deficiency necessarily. Just because there is a low level of B12 in the bloodstream, this does not mean that there is a deficiency in the body as a whole, it may well be being utilised by the living cells (such as the central nervous system). In any case, a person who takes supplements may well have 'vitamin B12' floating in their bloodstream, but this does not mean it is usable to the human body as synthetic, inorganic vitamins are not.

The illusionary benefits of supplement-taking result in the person's increased metabolism in order to expel these harmful substances as quickly as possible. This results in a stimulation of the body and the illusion of an improvement in health. The truth is that there is a very delicate balance among hormone secretions, vitamins, enzymes, minerals, etc. This is something that scientists know very little about. These substances do not work alone, but in fact require other factors for them to be effective, like fats, etc. We know very little about life within a cell. The use of supplements can disturb this delicate balance and diminish the efficiency of body functions. Health is reduced commensurate to the imbalance that occurs. 

Commercially, vitamin B12 tablets are made from bacteria and the bacteria is deeply fermented. A healthy body will usually expel fermented substances. The main problem with pill supplements is that they: 1) Do not contain the hundreds of other nutrients we may need to be healthy that raw foods provide, and 2) they contain artificial substances/contaminants that are detrimental to health.

Synthetic vitamins and minerals are inorganic and are therefore unusable by the human body. In the manufacture of 'food supplements', chemically pure substances must be used for the most part. If the scientists used naturally derived nutrients, their pills would be too large for us to swallow. Additionally, a chemical 'carrier' is added to make the products acceptable to the palate of the consumer and to bring their product up to an acceptable standard. These chemical carriers, as with all chemicals, are toxic to the human organism. They result in stimulation of the body and an illusionary cure.

According to Dr. John Potter PhD, of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, “Food's magic is based on thousands of complex interactions of dozens of different phytochemicals which are difficult to recreate in pills. While 190 solid studies prove that fruit and vegetables benefit, supplements have only a smattering of evidence”. Vitamins, minerals, hormones, etc. do not work in isolation, they work symbiotically. They work with other nutrients in order for their work to be carried out. When these highly complex substances are disturbed, their overall effectiveness can be reduced. However, too much of a nutrient is draining on our vital energy as the human (or non-human) organism may have to expel a nutrient overload. Also, it is doubtful whether, even if you do have a B12 deficiency, you have only a B12 deficiency. A healthier diet and living conditions, as well as a fast may be in order. 

According to Dr Douglas Graham, in his book 'Nutrition and Athletic Performance', supplementation has proven to be an inadequate and incomplete method of supplying nutrients as scientists cannot match nature's refined balances. He says that since an estimated ninety per cent of all nutrients are as yet undiscovered, why would we want to start adding nutrients into our diet one at a time rather than eating whole foods? Most nutrients are known to interact symbiotically with at least eight other nutrients and considering this, the odds of healthfully supplying any nutrients in its necessary component package becomes 'infinitesimally minute'. More to the point he adds, 'there has never been a successful attempt to keep an animal or human healthy, or even alive, on a diet composed strictly of nutritional supplements'.
Dan Reeter, at Bio-Systems Laboratories in Colorado is creating one of the world's most comprehensive computer facilities for soil biology testing. He says that, from his extensive tests, plants grown in organically-managed soil make significantly higher levels of usable vitamin B12. It has also been reported that vitamin B12 is present in wild fruits and wild and home-grown plant foods.

The author contends that animal and dairy produce is a poor source of Vitamin B12 since the vitamin is contained in nutrient-deranged foodstuffs which will inevitably destroy the usability of the vitamin. Studies show that those following a typical animal-based diet require more vitamin B12 than those who do not. This is because the typical diet leads to digestive atrophy. Because B12 is peptide-bound in animal products and must be enzymatically cleaved from the peptide bonds to be absorbed, a weakened gastric acid and gastric enzyme secretions (due to a cooked food diet) causes an inability to efficiently extract vitamin B12 from external food. Nevertheless, raw food vegans who have a more powerful digestion actually get more B12 by reabsorption from the bile than they do from external food. Wolfe argues that the natural soil microbes and bacteria found on wild plant foods and unwashed garden plants are typically adequate to supply our B12 requirements. The natural microbes in the soil need to be duplicated and to colonise in our digestive tract, without fermentation or putrefaction.

Another point worth considering is that vitamin B12 Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA's) are based upon the average cooked food (meat and two veg), smoking, drinking person. Commercial interests have indeed grossly exaggerated our needs for many nutrients. These studies tell us nothing of the requirements for a healthy vegetarian. It is very difficult to determine precise individual needs of any vitamin or nutrient, and an overload of any vitamin or other nutrient creates an unnecessary burden on our vital domain. Factors such as rate of metabolism, stress, etc. can determine our differing and often changing needs. Dr Victor Herbert reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1998, Volume 48) that only 0.00000035 ounces (1 microgram) of vitamin B12 is required per day. These minimum vitamin requirements may be inadequate to explain the needs of a healthy raw food vegan, for example, who may require less B12 due to an improved gastric ability and a high ability to recycle vitamin B12. (Cooking destroys microbes and a highly sterilised, cooked vegan diet may not provide the intestines with enough good quality flora). Absorption rates of B12 are higher in healthy individuals than in unhealthy individuals. Studies, based on healthy Indian vegetarian villagers, showed that none of them exhibited symptoms of B12 deficiency, despite levels of .3-.5 micrograms of B12. 

Dr Gabriel Cousens argues that vitamin B12 deficiency is typically caused by lack of absorption in the intestinal tract rather than a lack of this vitamin in the diet. Annie and Dr David Jubb argue that people have lived in such a sterile, antiseptic environment for so long that these necessary symbiotic organisms have been less than present in our diet. They argue that by ingesting soil-born organisms you can maintain an enormous reservoir of uncoded antibodies ready to transform specific pathogens, the way nature intended - by eating a little dirt!
If a person is healthy and on a healthy vegan, high-percentage raw food diet and does not habitually over-eat, wrongly combine their foods and abuse their bodies generally, and utilises fasting on occasion, it is unlikely that they will develop B12 deficiency symptoms providing their intestinal flora was not previously deranged. Vitamin B12 deficiency is usually symptomatic of a larger problem i.e. poor intestinal flora, poor absorption and also lack of sunlight.

Harvey Diamond argues that the entire nutrient issue has been made so confusing with contradictory information that it is no wonder that people are bewildered about where to obtain sufficient nutrients. Unfortunately, some people have been so totally misguided and scared that no amount of common-sense reasoning of even factual data can rescue them from the meat, dairy and petrochemical (synthetic food 'supplement' suppliers) multi-million pound industries. The truth is that whatever nutrients the body needs will be contained in its natural foods (for human beings, raw plant foods). Mother Nature knows how to provide for her own. Why would it be that we are created in such a way as to make us a natural plant-eater and hey presto, there is no vitamin B12 provided for us by plants? If you can't get it from raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds or sprouts then WE DON'T NEED IT! Just because a wild fruit or organic foodstuff contains only a small amount, this does not mean it is deficient. It means that we only need a small amount!

The pill pushers are quick to say that our soil is deficient, but according to Diamond and others, if a seed does not receive the elements it needs IT WILL NOT GROW (OR WILL GROW POORLY - author). Also, plants obtain nutrients from other sources in greater amounts: the sun, water and the air. Plants actually obtain only about 1% of nutrients from the soil.
If you do develop a B12 deficiency, certain urgent dietary adjustments may need to be made, and there is a possibility that fasting is in order. In any case, on switching to a healthier diet, be it vegetarian, vegan or raw food (for optimum health), we should go back to nature as much as possible and pay little attention to germ phobics who advise us to scrub our vegetables and fruits. Buy organic and eat home-grown or wild foods and do not clean them too scrupulously! Just as nature intended!. 

Please note that it is not recommended for anyone to go on a fast of longer duration than 1½ days wihtout competent supervision, as prolonged fasts must be monitored by a qualified fasting supervisor.

1. 'Fit for Life', Diamond, H. and M., 1987
2. 'The Life Science Institute Course in Natural Health' - 1986
3. 'Nutrition and Athletic Performance', Dr D. Graham, 1999
4. 'Female Balance' article 2001 -K Perrero www.living-foods.com
5. Human Anatomy and Phyisology - Marieb - 1999
6. Correspondence with Dr Vetrano and family 2001
7. 'The Sunfood Diet Success Story' by David Wolfe
8. B12 article by the Vegan Society
9 . B12 article by the Vegetarian Society
10. 1990 'Solstice Magazine' article

Raw Cauliflower Curry with Pine Nuts!

In a small bowl:

1 1/2 Tablespoons raw tahini
1/2 teaspoon sea salt (or less)
juice of 1/2 a lemon
1 teaspoon curry powder

4 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 Tablespoon raw agave nectar (or if you don't have that use real maple syrup, but it's not raw)
1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar

Stir it all together with a fork.

in a large bowl:
4 cups raw cauliflower (chopped up into bite-sized bits)
1 carrot (sliced into thin disks)
1/2 cup of green beans (or yellow beans) chopped
1/4 cup red onion diced (use less if you like)
hand full of pine nuts (however much you like)
1/2 cup chopped kale (add more if you like) 

Pour the sauce over the contents of the large bowl and toss until it covers everything. I just ate it and it's sooo good! The recipe makes 2 filling meals. If you can keep it at room temperature and let it sit for a while in the sauce it really sinks in and that's how I like it. Just proving once again that raw food is not bland.

It's hard to chop vegetables with one arm working, so I had some help this time, and the photo is a little blurry too from not being able to hold up the heavy camera, but I hope that soon I will heal and be back to normal. Have a beautiful day!

Come and join us!

Ok! Tonight is the AWAL Gallery opening for the Square Foot Show!! Over 1,900 pieces of artwork in all mediums by incredible artists from floor to ceiling in a huge space- probably my favorite show of the year. Come meet the beautiful vegan crew (except Claire who is traveling right now), and join us for a beverage at the Ossington Pub right near the gallery afterwards (I will be drinking pineapple juice). Look down a few posts to get the address and information. We would love to meet you!

Artificial Sweeteners Cause Weight Gain:


healing from quadruple bypass operation with a high raw vegan diet

Part 2
Chef Dina talks about healing her father with a vegan diet after he had a quadruple bypass operation on his heart and was given 6 months to live. Through her own education she and her father lost a lot of weight and gained a much healthier lifestyle. It's a nice interview you should watch if you know someone who is suffering and on a lot of medication. There is another way.

Here Dina talks about reversing diabetes with the raw vegan diet. She has several other videos if you go to youtube.

For those of you who aren't familiar with this incredible woman who lost 160 lbs by adopting a raw food lifestyle:

Here is the photo gallery of her before and after shots on her blog! I like Angela because she's so genuine and forthcoming. It takes a lot of courage to be out there like this and it's very inspirational. She has tons of videos that you can watch, and is married to Matt Monarch I believe (a well known raw vegan). Raw is the way to go and eventually I'll get there. In the meantime I'll keep developing new recipes for the both of us! Hope you're having a beautiful day!

I found this raw food speaker and fell in love- she's very eccentric but it's charming- finally someone talking about raw food and beauty

She has many other videos on youtube that go into more detail about what raw foods do for our bodies and how they make us more beautiful so go and watch them. She's very dramatic, but enthusiastic and inspiring. Who doesn't want to have a glow at any age??

5 reasons to go vegan:

My bike meant freedom to me...

Well I wish we were going camping this summer and doing that road trip to Nova Scotia, but because of my broken arm it will have to be put off until next summer when we have vacation time again... and I'm not so useless. It's hard to paddle a canoe with one arm- actually it's hard to do a lot of things with one arm.

I'm feeling sorry for myself today, but that doesn't really help does it? I hope those of you who ride bikes are being as careful as possible and wearing your helmets. They can mean the difference between life and death. My bike meant freedom to me and now that I can't ride it I feel trapped. I think I'm too scared to get back on though. It's not worth the risk.

For now I'll have to make due with last year's photos of camping in different places along Lake Superior. I know things will get better, but I still feel depressed right now.

Square Foot Show coming up!

James and Lyn (me) invite you to the 7th annual Square Foot Exhibition at AWOL Gallery. We will each have a few pieces in the show and it should be a whole lot of fun! It's an evening packed with people, music and hundreds of paintings by different artists that, you may have guessed, are one foot by one foot in diameter (in a grid, floor to ceiling).

The reception is Saturday, August the 15th from 7pm on into the evening, so make sure you're there if you live anywhere near Toronto! All mediums are allowed so there will be delights for your eyes no matter what your taste. There is usually a dj or live music, the atmosphere is super casual (not snooty). See you there!

The Lovers

One of my oil paintings that was bought by friends of mine who are absolutely perfect soul mates.

doll making to occupy my time

Here is just one of the weird little dolls that I've been creating for years. They are all very alive and have different personalities (you would only know this by holding them though). She's made of twigs that I find on hikes, yarn, used bits of fabric, found pieces of really old pottery from Mexico, a carved little zebra from Africa, a small piece of obsidian, thread and... human hair. I'm kind of obsessed with hair- it grows and lives with a person for years until they decided to cut it off. I think it carries the energy and experience with it.

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  • A documentary that everyone on the planet must wat...
  • Hi guys!
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  • How many animals are slaughtered per second in the...
  • Is 'not from concentrate juice' really good for yo...
  • Dirt: The trailer:
  • Ellen on being vegan- really well done my dear.
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  • Philosophy- A Guide to Happiness Documentary
  • Write us!
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  • Vanilla French Toast recipe is here!
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  • Colloidal Silver Generator: Make it yourself!
  • Creatures of Black Forest:
  • 6 Degrees of Separation Documentary:
  • Fighting the flu naturally:
  • Raising kids vegan- Go for it!
  • 350 Day of Action for Climate Change- PLEASE get i...
  • Joan Jett for Farm Sanctuary:
  • Raw Vegan Radio!
  • Natural Building Videos and Books:
  • Vegan Body Building and Fitness:
  • Lost 40bls and became healthy going raw vegan!
  • Vegan Athlete Brendan Brazier makes energy bars!
  • Happy Thanksgiving Guys! Here are some awesome thi...
  • Vegan Mineral Makeup and Brushes:
  • Watch Earthlings Documentary:
  • A monkey takes care of a human baby- really intere...
  • This monkey adopted a kitten! Monkey news:
  • Giggling gorillas and orangoutangs! Studies show t...
  • Who killed the honey bee? Watch the whole movie:
  • A big Happy Birthday to my brother today:
  • Happy Birthday Diana!
  • Poverty is not an accident: The End of Poverty mov...
  • Car-Free Day in Toronto: Still learning the lesson...
  • This is something very surprising- a brilliant ide...
  • Water Filters That Really Work:
  • Need a pik-me up? This will inspire you:
  • Vegetarian Food Fair:
  • Living Off the Grid in an Earth-Ship House here in...
  • Where to start if you are thinking of going vegan:...
  • growing your own sprouts!
  • Autism and Animals
  • To Zoo or not to Zoo:
  • Weird hippo pet:
  • Not for those who are already vegan:
  • Humanity
  • Disinfecting Drinking Water with Sunlight
  • I had to put this up.
  • Fluoride Fluoride Fluoride- Holy Crap.
  • Food Inc. Movie:
  • John Robins on fear and how it influences us:
  • The Business of Cancer:
  • B12
  • Why Vegan?
  • Lyn at the BFF (Bicycle Film Festival in Toronto)
  • 40 Day Cleanse Fast Results:
  • Vegan Myth-Busters!
  • Raw Cauliflower Curry with Pine Nuts!
  • Come and join us!
  • Artificial Sweeteners Cause Weight Gain:
  • healing from quadruple bypass operation with a hig...
  • For those of you who aren't familiar with this inc...
  • I found this raw food speaker and fell in love- sh...
  • 5 reasons to go vegan:
  • My bike meant freedom to me...
  • why vegan? I found this great video you may like:
  • healing thyroids naturally with a raw vegan diet- ...
  • another raw vegan body builder- very interesting
  • Square Foot Show coming up!
  • The Lovers
  • doll making to occupy my time
  • earth days movie trailer
  • Crude: movie trailer
  • Oh the fun of today... broken arm workshop
  • This guy tells us his story of the journey to the ...
  • Awesome! 2 First year pre-med students go raw for ...
  • How to gain muscle mass on a Raw Vegan diet: Raw V...
  • This guy explains very well why raw vegan food is ...
  • Claire is our reporter abroad!
  • This is how I Feel Today
  • Cindy Didn't Really Trust James...
  • Free Vegan Recipes That Rock:
  • Our Secret Forest
  • Vegan in New York
  • Water Life movie trailer: Hot Docs Film Festival 2...
  • It is estimated that there are more tigers in capt...
  • Reporter: A new Hot Docs movie trailer
  • Black Wave: A documentary about the greatest envir...
  • Take care of yourself and you won't get sick... si...
  • A couple of places we've been to in the last few d...
  • very quick and to the point meat message:
  • why no one but calves should drink cow's milk:
  • a cat adopts baby squirrels??
  • For those who haven't seen this reunion between a ...
  • 2 Week Master Cleanse Detox Talk:
  • Squeaks Rose Toth and Josh
  • Josh in a battle of the bands!
  • 'Home' Movie Trailer- really beautiful and though...
  • A word from the late Carl Sagan about our planet:
  • Happy Father's Day Cupcakes!! (Vanilla Cranberry, ...
  • The End of the Line: movie trailer about the end o...
  • The Cove Movie Trailer- You need to see this:
  • I'm doing the Master Cleanse right now- Here's a v...
  • Farewell my friend
  • Blue Gold: World Water Wars- I've never seen anyth...
  • Time to let go
  • Food Security for Everyone: Real Community
  • Guerrilla Vegetable Gardening in the City
  • This one will cause some uproar...
  • Taking Root: The Vision of Wangari Maathai (traile...
  • Happy Birthday James!! Decadent, Triple-Decker, Va...
  • I have to show you this! It's one of the most beau...
  • A VERY GOOD program I had never seen before:
  • Message from the director of The Future Of Food:
  • Skip the Meat Commercial
  • Joshua Rose, champion of the world.
  • Not Milk
  • Soy Soy Soy
  • Vegetarian or Vegan?... VEGAN!
  • Raw Vegan Athlete Video Blogger
  • Vegan Body Builder- Kenneth G. Williams
  • Basil-Avocado Dip: Awesome.
  • This is very well done. Watch it.
  • Edward Norton on Plastic Bags Bags Bags
  • Time to explore! Let's go!
  • Interview from Art Bell with Dr. Neal Barnard, pre...
  • Processed People trailer
  • Fast Food Nation
  • Diet for a New America : Documentary
  • Thank You Everyone! You are all making a huge diff...
  • Go Raw Now movie trailer:
  • Raw Vegetable Soup With Almonds and Sun-dried Toma...
  • Squeakers Toth and his brother James
  • raw mushroom soup coming up!
  • Mad Cowboy Documentary! Very Good.
  • Coconut Cornbread in a skillet! So easy!
  • Make your own mesh bags! Easy!
  • Cancer Inc.
  • Mad Cowboy Author (he used to be a cattle rancher ...
  • Need to get away from my computer.
  • Diet For a Small Planet
  • Interesting contest for vegans: win an electric ca...
  • Go Green, Eat Less Meat.
  • How much plastic is in the ocean you ask?...
  • how to make creamy caesar dressing!
  • A great book for teaching kids why veganism is imp...
  • An Amazing Talk Given by a Medical Doctor about th...
  • T. Colin Campbell, PhD, on cancer and animal based...
  • The link between dairy consumption and prostate ca...
  • Learning to Relax
  • Peaceable Kingdom Movie Trailer
  • Garbage Island Documentary
  • Sprouting Seeds!
  • Becoming Vegan, The Complete Guide to Adopting a H...
  • beautiful vegan Tv..episode 2, How to Open a Cocon...
  • Animal Rights Eco Fair
  • RAWvolution book
  • beautiful vegan tv...episode 1, raw spinach soup!
  • Vegan Chocolate Pudding!!!
  • Raw Stuffed Red Peppers!
  • Raw Vegan Spinach-Avocado Soup with Thyme and Fres...
  • Yesterday was good.
  • Dominical, Costa Rica
  • beautiful-vegan tv!
  • Banning organic farming?? Are you kidding?
  • Almost Raw Stir-Fry!
  • Spring!
  • Movie Trailer: The End Of America... An Alarming D...
  • Spicy Raw Vegan Carrot Soup!
  • Frozen CreamBerry Heaven!
  • A creamy (and way better!) alternative to yougurt
  • Sweet Cashew Coconut Balls on a Fruit Plate with C...
  • Some events that might be of interest if you're in...
  • Three things You Can Do Right NOW to Find Love
  • Earth: movie trailer
  • How to make a vegan breakfast that rocks!
  • Hello to Everyone!
  • Canada Goose on a Very Small Island
  • How to find Jewels
  • Here's why worm composting is good for the environ...
  • I'm Worm Composting... Finally!
  • Earthbag Dome Houses for the World- a movie traile...
  • Earthbag Building Book that I love!
  • Vandana Shiva, on water security
  • Summer in Toronto
  • oh, those vegans...
  • Mocha Latte Cake!
  • Inspiration for the masses: Man On Wire movie trai...
  • Matthew Stein, author of When Technology Fails
  • the Future of Food Movie Trailer (a must see movie...
  • This is josh (obviously before he cut off his drea...
  • A vegan who's allergic to soy??
  • Huge chocolate corporations like Nestle use slave ...
  • Really important water movie trailer:
  • How to find love
  • Vegan Cranberry Pancakes with Cinnamon
  • Sedna
  • famous vegans and vegetarians
  • Josh growing up vegetarian and then vegan.
  • Black Rice & Walnut-Stuffed Squash!
  • Putting your money where your mouth is.
  • Just putting up a paintings of mine that I did a ...
  • How to photograph deer...
  • Change is in the Air (wow, I'm full of cliches lat...
  • There is snow outside, but not in this photo!
  • Trailer for Garbage Warrior
  • Building Earthbag Dome Houses is What We All Have ...
  • Josh on Lake Superior
  • Baby Snapping Turtle
  • Funny Little Piglets Playing
  • The Shift Movie Trailer- Watch It and Be Inspired!...
  • Summer images to make me feel better.
  • Vegan Creme Brule! Finally.
  • I LOVE LOVE LOVE this Vegan Creme Brule!
  • Somewhere Just off of Lake Superior, Ontario
  • Pesto Pasta With Leeks and Sun-Dried Tomatoes!
  • hiking behind the zoo
  • sage of the forest
  • Joshua and the tarantula
  • my birthday 
  • Omatepe Island, Nicaragua
  • chocolate chili mole!!
  • Me at city hall on the night of Nuit Blanche
  • Indian Carrot Curry Soup!
  • dolled-up sunday morning french toast!
  • Voted BEST MAC & CHEESE by Vegan Cheese Review Web...
  • Possibly the best double chocolate cupcakes in the...
  • This is my Mom-Approved Luxurious and Rich Pumpkin... 
  • Our marinated shishkebobs on the fire!
  • James working his way accross a lake
  • James in a sunset at Old Woman Bay
  • who was the first person to look at this and think...
  • aboard the MS Chi-Cheemaun
  • This is my raw vegan curry!!
  • James' team on Center Island
  • Sitting in the sky
  • My Lady
  • We borrowed Meg's car for a road trip!
  • We've started growing our own food!
  • Me on a beach in Ontario
  • James loving his life in Canada
  • This belongs to everyone.
  • Cutting off Joshua's Dreads!
  • Joshua cutting off his dreads part 2!
  • So we cut his dreads off before he went to school!...
  • My feet have escaped the confines of socks and boo...
  • Me on a snow top cliff
  • Lemon Poppy Seed Love Cake!
  • Photographer James Toth
  • Passed out after a long day
  • Rope walking with a friend in Kensington Market
  • roast pear with maple creme brule
  • coconut porridge with fresh blueberries!
  • Our Spicy Raw Zucchini Soup!
  • Lyn and the Frog
  • Coconut is an excellent protein!
  • To open a coconut
  • James on a winter hike
  • Vegan / Vegetarian Restaurants and Cafes in Toront...
  • February Blaws: Cure
  • Vegan Blog Tracker!
  • one of my older paintings
  • Environmental, Healthe and Karmic reasons to go Ve...
  • sweet potato plantain roast
  • vegan quotes#6-10
  • our coconut fruit salad!
  • josh and his skateboard
  • Me in Algonquin Park!
  • my awesome vegan paté!
  • New Year, New Beginning.
  • Josh shooting the deadly eggplant weapon
  • Lime Garlic Tofu with Mushrooms on Rice
  • James by the water
  • Self transformation is world transformation
  • Our Pesto Pizza!
  • David Suzuki's Nature Challenge
  • cucumber asparagus salad
  • taking a break
  • Environmental, Health and Karmic Reasons to go Veg...
  • Josh playing music by the fire
  • James and Josh playing
  • Josh and Lyn in a barrel
  • rice paper delicacies (glass pillows)
  • vegan on the road
  • Josh laughing hysterically before I go under a wat...
  • This is raw agave nectar
  • James and Lyn in the sun
  • our RAW nori rolls
  • Josh and the goat
  • little tiny toads are people too
  • Me on my favorite cliff in the world
  • James on a beach in Australia
  • this bird was watching me and then landed right on...
  • Josh got the whole coconut out of the shell in one...
  • me posing while eating my banana-coconut breakfast...
  • my lovely James
  • our vegan lemon-cranberry scones!
  • Vegan Myth-Buster #2
  • This is our house
  • Albert Einstein
  • make your own almond or cashew milk!
  • sweet raisin veggie curry that I made!
  • Small changes make a huge difference!
  • Shop at used clothing stores to support the commun...
  • James and Lyn at the fireworks
  • Josh in a tree.
  • My First Post :)