Well, many of you already know of VeganPhotographer James Toth, as he is one of the Beautiful-Vegan Crew. He is currently up in Thunder Bay capturing incredible photos, so I thought I'd share a viewing of them right here. James has, as you may be aware, a blog where he posts a photo a day, and has been doing so for some time now:
James works with an amazing, cutting edge Digital Photography Gallery / School of Imaging / Print House here in Toronto, called 44-Wide.
They teach workshops that will blow your mind! So if you are in Toronto you should definitely stop by and introduce yourself, because everyone there is super friendly and would love to meet you (it's not your typical gallery).
James is what I call a Bird-Nerd... someone who loves birds! It's an endearing term actually. Sometimes I think the animals come out of nowhere and pose for him- it's astounding.
Hey guys, This is our first attempt at V-Logging... I promise we'll get better. We were delirious from doing take after take. We really liked all the products that were sent to us, and would definitely keep using them :) So if you want to check out LipLabz and their Vegan line of Lip Care, you can go to their website: LipLabz.com.
LipLabz Vegan Line is available at Panacea in Toronto! (Panacea is a 100% Vegan Shoppe that Rocks). Here is a Photo we just took inside the shoppe of the new LipLabz display!:
xoxo ps. This is what happens when you stay up too late trying to V-Log:
Erin KeleherFrom The Wellness Oasis, and one of the Beautiful-Vegan Crew,is a lovely soul who has won my heart over. She has a number of talents and passions, and luckily, she wants to share.As a Yoga Instructor, Erin embodies compassion, patience and generosity to guide those she teaches into perfect balance.
(Photo by Amena Assaily)
"My story begins with a realization I had a number of years ago, that we all effect one another profoundly, everyday, whether we intend to or not. With the acknowledgement of this truth, I decided that if I was going to effect people anyways, I was going to do it in the most positive way possible!
I was first introduced to yoga nearly 20 years ago and it quickly became a saving grace for me in many aspects of my life.I learned how healing and restorative yoga was for mind, body and spirit and became dedicated to a regular practice.
When I was introduced to Qi-Gong a few years later, Qi-Hatha yoga became my focus. Finally, in 2010 I took my teacher training program in Hawaii, after nearly 2 decades of practice.
I also becamecertified as a Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner, which has allowed me to deepen my understanding and practice even further, while sharing the healing power of yoga and touch with others. What drew me to Thai Massage is the emphasis on intention in touch. We often forget how our negative energies can effect others, and alternatively, howour positive energy can heal.
At the end of 2010, I decided to studyholistic nutrition, to complete my healing triad,specializing in Plant-based nutrition. What we eat is the foundation for health and through proper education, I now guide my clients towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.
I am very excited to be able to offer all three of these beautiful modalities of metta (loving kindness) with anyone who crosses my path. My outlook on nutrition is that through a whole foods diet, sometimes alongside proper supplementation, one can restore and heal their bodies and minds, and cleanse them of unwanted toxins.
My philosophy of yoga and thai yoga massage is holistic and simple; Being mindful, with controlled breath and simply being in the moment, yoga is an art thateveryone can benefit from. The "soul" intent behind stepping on the mat, creates the space for growth, love and gratitude that your whole being will thank you for and that is before any of the asanas (poses) begin. For this reason, any person regardless of age, gender, experience or level, cancome and find a place that is right for them. I honour everyone's place in my practice and every body's individual pranic flow at every given moment. Everyone expresses their pose differently, and that is a beautiful thing!"
One of the ways Erin chooses to spread her positive energy is throughleading incredible Chakra Toning Meditation Workshops.
Erin's alter-egosare:Roller Derby Queen, Painter, Writer, Tree-Hugger and World Traveler!
Hello Beautiful Vegans all over the world! Erin and I are preparing to launch the V-Log! We will do video reviews of Vegan products, documentaries, recipes and books, and post them up on Beautiful-Vegan.com for your viewing pleasure (hopefully). I turn into a real dork in front of the camera, but I'm working on it ;) And more bad Photoshopped posters too...
Do you remember how we felt as children playing with our favourite toy? We were completely absorbed and present with it. This state of blissful focus is what I think of as the first step in evolving and becoming fully realized. The mind, however, is an agitated place, and so being this present is not always as easy as it was when we were young.
The awesome video above centers around our values in this day and age. How do we make ourselves feel great in order to pass on our shiney vibes? Taking a moment to re-connect can save the world in many many ways.
Eoin Finn, the presenter, mentioned that everything in our day has meaning, however, our values are based in economics and productivity. In one of my nutrition classes last week, we discussed an article stating, that for optimal physical and mental health (not to mention emotional and spiritual), people can only work a MAXIMUM of 30 hours a week. But who works just 30 hours a week? Practically no one who is fully supporting themselves.
We feel stressed and overworked, like there isn't enough time in the day to do everything that needs doing. The truth of the matter is that we have all the time in universe. We don't need to speed up or find extra time, we need to SLOW DOWN and be present, like the child with his favourite toy.
This reminded me of David Suzuki, who has been trying to open us up for a long time, to see that the most valuable things in life are not economics, but precious moments with family and friends. So how did we get here? How did we get to the point where we overlook the beauty in our lives?
Eion brings up the phrase "Nothing personal, it's just business". How are we able to let these words leave our lips? We have adopted this cold phrase to excuse ourselves from feeling guilty for our actions. So the question is, how do we shed the fear of "Not enough for everyone" and reclaim our true nature, which is kindness and generosity?
Eion suggests we need to lay in hammocks... which I think is brilliant. Take a huge belly breath, and look around us to appreciate the magic that is everywhere. When we are in a hammock, the whole world exhales around us.
Eion didn't get too much into the notion of reconnecting with ourselves though, so I will elaborate on the subject. It is so important to stop and check in with ourselves-- how many great thinkers have re-stated the concept of "know thy-self"? Whether it is at work, in class, or during yoga, we need to simply look in and say what am I feeling right now? What am I thinking? What parts of me are tense? What parts of me are feeling amazing? What was the greatest thing I saw or heard today? What did I love and appreciate about the day? Or Eion's question of "What was your nature appreciation moment of the day"?
This reconnection is not to be mistaken with the common notion of "Me-Time", which is zoning out in front of the Television eating chips after an exhausting day. True Me-Time comes with doing something for ourselves, by ourselves. Examples of this are meditation, a yoga class, a hot bath, painting, or anything we simply do because we truly enjoy it. These things ease our agitated minds and allow us to be exactly who we are: Beautiful Souls who have every right to take a time out.
The stillness and focus created in these moments allows us to know ourselves and be present with everything in our universes. Once we have reunited with ourselves, we can positively impact the world with our unique skills and knowledge. All this just adds to the Global Namaste that Eion speaks of, which simply becomes reflex, and as Einstein said:
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
Hi guys! I absolutely loved the following film, so I thought I'd share it with you!
Watch Water, The Great Mystery (Whole Film):
I was blown away by this documentary. It's different than any others I've seen on the subject, and I think you will like it. By the time I was done watching Water: The Great Mystery, I felt so happy and hopeful about the possibilities. Scientists all over the world are discovering that water actually behaves as a super-computer, retaining any and all information it comes into contact with, and that human emotions affect it directly. Please watch this because I feel it's an amazing and transformative documentary. Yay for free Documentaries!
The Beautiful Truth is a must-watch. Always keeping an open and curious mind, we might catch a glimpse of what is ultimately truth. "Follow the money", is what I say. No one likes to lose a cash cow. I'm not thrilled with the over-sensitive narration, but It's a really well done documentary. This, and many other films, should be shown to the entire population. Luckily, those who seek the answers can find them :) There are powerful alternatives to cure and prevent cancer.
I recognize that we, in certain parts of the world, are blessed beyond belief, and the absolute need for gratitude must be addressed. In "developed" and "developing" countries, we don't have the same stresses and terror as those who are continuously dealing with starvation, war, lack of clean water and poverty. We, instead, "suffer" from diseases of plenty, like obesity, hoarding, gambling and shopping addictions. I know people will argue with me that these things are indeed diseases, but I don't see them happening in parts of the world where there is no choice.
James and I regularly go walking in the woods, and being a great photographer, he captures the divine all around us. How very lucky we are to have all of these blessings. Being in nature, (as we are not separate from it, but do pave over it, and build fortified dwellings), brings us back to that humble state of awe we had as children before everything got so serious and grown up. Why do we feel so different than animals and trees? We pretend a superiority over all that's here, but nature can take everything back in a flash.
Gratitude is so important. Look around you right now. Chances are you have food in your belly, a warm place to sleep, someone you can call a friend (I'll be your friend), and a beautiful soul (or whatever you call that spark that animates the body). Even if we don't have very much money in the bank, there are so many things we can be grateful for.
I just wanted to tell you how thankful I am to be connected with you folks all around the world who are making great efforts to be the most positive, helpful and generous people (with whatever gifts and ideas you have to offer in your life). You inspire me. Go outside, even to a park, and feel thankful.
Ps. All these beautiful photographs were taken by James Toth. He's so great!
I love this film trailer! Finding Joe is exactly right, as far as I am concerned. Fear stops us dead in our tracks, and does not allow us to be who we truly are- incredible, beautiful, creative souls with so much to contribute to this world. I wish every movie was about these things, instead of the horror that's out there.
When we watch violent or tragic movies, our minds perceive what's in front of us as reality, so our emotions respond. Yes, our intelligence tells us that we're just sitting in a movie theatre, but we react just the same. Or when we listen to negative songs on the radio or in our iPods, they become mantras that repeat over and over again, ultimately affecting our general moods.
Here is my manifesto: I will only listen to and watch positive things from now on. This will allow my true nature to come to the surface instead of hiding behind fear.
I was quite young when I had Josh, and I was pressured into things I didn't know much about at the time. Vaccines were one of those things. I was told that it was mandatory, and that he wouldn't be allowed into school if he didn't have them... not true. I started reading, and soon decided that I wouldn't allow Josh to be vaccinated again.
I wrote to the Ontario Public Health Board after receiving an official-looking form letter stating that:
"Students under the age of 18 attending Ontario schools must have proof of immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, rubella. We are required to have this information by law (Immunization of School Pupils Act, 1990)."
"This Student May Be Suspended From School If You Do Not Complete and Return This Form"
The form went on to say that if I refused to have the vaccinations for medical, religious or conscience reasons, I needed to call the number provided. When I did call, the woman who answered the phone treated me very rudely when she found out that I was trying to exempt Josh from vaccination. She tried to talk me out of it and when I refused, she told me I would have to go to a lawyer and swear an oath and have this separate form signed by them, at my own expense, and have it sent back to Ontario Public Health.
So I wrote the following letter back to them:
To whom it may concern,
My son, Joshua, will not be getting the specified vaccinations, nor will I have to get a lawyer's signature for a decision that is ultimately mine, nor will Josh be suspended from school for this choice.
I have looked into my rights as a parent, and found out that it is not "by law" that I must have him vaccinated.
The representative I spoke with from your organization made it sound like I needed the signature of a lawyer, and this is not true either. I believe you have done this to make it more difficult for a parent to opt out of the vaccinations, and to create an air of officiality that doesn't exist.
Lyn Rose
I heard nothing back form them until the next round of vaccinations were being issued, where I repeated the letter once again. Josh was never suspended. I home-schooled Josh for several years so it became a non-issue until he returned to high-school again.
It is your right as a parent to do what you feel is best for your child, and I am not saying that choosing to not vaccinating your child will be right for everyone, but it was the right decision for me. Josh is an extremely healthy, strong and active 18 year-old now, and I'm very happy with my choice :)
All of this goes for Swine Flu Vaccines, and any other "Pandemic" presented to you. Here are some videos on the subject of Dangerous Vaccines and what is really going on:
Watch the Full Documentary Prescription For Disaster: (Unbelievable Documentary that needs to be watched)