I don't really know how I feel about the zoo. James and I went to get me out of the house as I have been feeling trapped, but the animals I saw looked more trapped than me. There are conflicting arguments on the subject. In some ways zoos are good because they encourage interest in animals by people who wouldn't normally be able to see or have any real notion of them, like inner city kids or even those who live in the suburbs. We come in contact with wildlife so little now on a day to day basis that it does bring about a sense of awe when we do.
On the other hand these animals should be left in the wild to lead normal lives and not be subjected to freezing cold weather in Canadian winters when they are used to African savannas. These animals pace around in their cages like they have gone mad. Someone pointed out the fact that many of these animals were orphaned and/or are on the endangered list, so it's a positive thing that they have a chance to live, and maybe mate within captivity. But how long can that go on without getting to the real root of the problem- human destruction of their habitat??
As I said I feel torn. From what I could tell, the people who feed and take care of the animals in the zoo seem to really care for them, calling them by name and patting the pat-able ones. James and I did have a nice day in the end. I was sick of reading in the confines of my apartment. James took the photo.
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